Heikki Juvonen has created a concept for an urban car.
All’Interim Degree Show del Royal College of Art di Londra sono stati presentati progetti visionari sviluppati per Double Challenge, evento sponsorizzato da Citroën ed EXA (produttore francese di software di simulazione aerodinamica), nell’ambito della quale gli studenti del secondo anno del Master of Art hanno ideato un modello ultra compatto su cui si svilupperà il design dei veicoli elettrici Citroën del futuro.
Ultraleggero, con un solo sedile, appartiene al segmento micro e non vuole sostituire le auto, ma aggiungersi ai mezzi di trasporto delle famiglie, posizionandosi tra le biciclette e le vetture. Con E-3POD sarà possibile entrare nel mondo dei veicoli elettrici senza dover rinunciare a percorrere lunghe distanze utilizzando auto con motori a combustione interna. Il linguaggio specifico del design dei veicoli elettrici viene applicato per distinguere questo tipo di prodotto dagli altri, ed evitare paragoni in termini di performance o tempo di rifornimento/ricarica.
Motori elettrici silenziosi permettono di ridurre l’isolamento acustico e di scegliere materiali più leggeri. E-3POD diminuisce i costi di trasporto, ed è facile da guidare e da parcheggiare in città, grazie alle dimensioni contenute. L’abitacolo è confortevole e isola il conducente: plus rispetto a biciclette e trasporti pubblici.
All'Interim Degree Show at the Royal College of Art in London were presented visionary projects developed for Double Challenge, an event sponsored by Citroën and EXA (French manufacturer of simulation software aerodynamics), in which students of second year of the Master of Art have designed a model on which it will develop ultra-compact design, Citroën electric vehicles of the future.
Ultra-light, with only one seat belongs to the micro segment and does not replace the car, but add to the transportation of households, ranking between bicycles and cars. With E-3pod you can enter the world of electric vehicles without having to travel long distances to give up using cars with internal combustion engines. The specific language of the design of electric vehicles is applied to distinguish this type of product from others, and avoid comparisons in terms of performance or time for refueling / recharging.
Silent electric motors for reducing the sound insulation and choose lighter materials. E-3pod reduces transportation costs, and it is easy to drive and park in the city, thanks to their small size. The interior is comfortable and insulates the driver: plus compared to bicycles and public transport.
Ultra-light, with only one seat belongs to the micro segment and does not replace the car, but add to the transportation of households, ranking between bicycles and cars. With E-3pod you can enter the world of electric vehicles without having to travel long distances to give up using cars with internal combustion engines. The specific language of the design of electric vehicles is applied to distinguish this type of product from others, and avoid comparisons in terms of performance or time for refueling / recharging.
Silent electric motors for reducing the sound insulation and choose lighter materials. E-3pod reduces transportation costs, and it is easy to drive and park in the city, thanks to their small size. The interior is comfortable and insulates the driver: plus compared to bicycles and public transport.