Nel giorno del lancio di iOS5 e iCloud non poteva mancare qualcosa che avesse a che fare con la melamorsicata.
In the day of the iOS5 and iCloud release we could't have talked about something related to the bitten apple.
Si, si lo so, in molti siamo dispiaciuti: la dipartita di Steve Jobs proprio non ci voleva e come se non bastasse da Cupertino non è uscito nemmeno un nuovo melafonino. Niente paura, possiamo continuare comunque a considerare i prodotti con la mela i migliori feticci/muse per quanti hanno pensato di creare accessori per dispositivi tecnologici. Il motto di Twelve South è We're not just Mac friendly - we're Mac only. Sono quelli che hanno inventato il supporto MacArc per MacBook e che continuano a creare accessori eleganti e pratici come il Book Book per iPhone/iPad/MacBook o Compass per iPad, il [quasi] tutto per ragionevoli dollars. A proposito, ma qualcuno di voi ha una leggenda da aggiungere a queste sul perchè della mela? Steve mi manchi...
Yes, i know, we're all sad about the last events: it really didn't need the Steve Jobs passing plus, as if it wouldn'b be enough, no such good news from Cupertino about a new iPhone. Anyway, don't worry, we can even go on considering apple products the best inspiring things for those who design accessories for tech devices. Twelve South's catchword is We're not just Mac friendly - we're Mac only. They're the ones who invented the Mac Arc for MacBook and many other elegant/useful accessories such as the BookBook [for iPhone/iPad/MacBook] or Compass for iPad, and prices are [quite] reasonable. Steve, i miss you so much...
Yes, i know, we're all sad about the last events: it really didn't need the Steve Jobs passing plus, as if it wouldn'b be enough, no such good news from Cupertino about a new iPhone. Anyway, don't worry, we can even go on considering apple products the best inspiring things for those who design accessories for tech devices. Twelve South's catchword is We're not just Mac friendly - we're Mac only. They're the ones who invented the Mac Arc for MacBook and many other elegant/useful accessories such as the BookBook [for iPhone/iPad/MacBook] or Compass for iPad, and prices are [quite] reasonable. Steve, i miss you so much...