Che questo film alla fine esca o non esca in Italia rientra sicuramente nella categoria Things You Should Watch, anche nell' era post-Megavideo! Un waltzer non senza "pestate di piedi" di irrequiete anime alla ricerca del loro futuro. Inarrestabile, come il tempo.
Whether this movie will be released or not in Italy it worth seeing and fill perfectly in the Things You Should Watch category even int the post-Megavideo era! A waltzer-not-without stamps on eachother's feet of some restelss souls who desires their future. Unstoppable, as time.

"My work is never only about the story—it is always about what is inside the people who are in the story. But, in the most basic sense, it's about time: getting through it, minute by minute, stopping it, and the end of it, death."
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