A me piacciono molto le M&M's, di tutti i colori, anche se prediligo le gialle, rosse e verdi. Non sono infatti molto attratto dalle marroni ma credo siano nel complesso i cioccolatini più fichi in commercio; da oggi poi, si può scatenare la nostra fantasia anche a livello creativo con My M&M's! E' infatti possibile scegliere i colori, personalizzare la scritta sopra e ricevere il tutto comodamente a casa, scegliendo anche la grandezza del pacco!! Bello vero!? Allora andate a vivere in America o in altri paesi che non siano l'Italia..ecco alla mail di info che ho mandato come mi hanno risposto i creatori di bottoni al cioccolato:

Dear Alessandro,
Thank you for your email and interest in personalized MY M&M’S® Chocolate Candies.
We regret to inform you that the country you requested a shipment to is one of several where customs laws and restrictions prohibit our product. This decision is not based from Mars Direct and is solely based on customs.
The countries that our product cannot be received include: Brazil, Cuba, Greece, Holland, Iran, Italy, Libya, Mexico, Myanmar, North Korea, and Sudan.
Based on these restrictions, if you would like to place an order for shipment to another destination that is not listed above, please
contact our Customer Care Center at 1-888-696-6788 from 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM EST Monday through Friday and one of our specialists will gladly assist you with your order.
If you are unable to reach us through our toll-free number, please contact your local operator for assistance.
Thank you again for your inquiry; we hope you find this information helpful and we look forward to assisting you in the future.
Your friends at MYM&M’S®\ Jacque.

Peccato, ne avrei prese volentieri una chilata tutte verdi!

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