La visionaria narrazione del Mediterraneo e di un continente, l’Europa alla deriva, in balia delle sue bellezze e delle sue miserie, sempre sul punto di affogare nella proprio storia. Tre racconti.
The visionary telling about the Mediterranean sea and the Europe. The Old continent is drifting at the mercy of its beauty and its meanness, ready to be deep in its history. There are three stories.
Una crociera, luccicante e consumistica, ed un coro greco di attori e filosofi vagante tra i passeggeri, citando Beckett, Derrida e Goethe. C’è anche Patti Smith, fugace come un frammento fra i tanti, che si aggira non riconosciuta dagli altri viaggiatori. Godard riflette sulla crisi in Grecia, mentre il suo viaggio tocca Barcellona, Napoli, evoca la Russia e la Germania sognando Palestina diversa. I protagonisti della seconda parte del film sono i figli di un meccanico, colpito dalla crisi mondiale, che dialogano dello sgretolamento della “libertè”, della “egalitè” e della “fraternitè”. L’ultima parte è invece un montaggio di immagini dei luoghi della civiltà mediterranea. Godard continua ad essere un visionario, un non autore, come si definisce, convinto che non ci sia più nessuno in grado di saper esplorare realmente, che i film siano finiti. D'altronde chiunque oggi è un autore, con un cellulare e il resto.
The first tells a cruise liner. There is a Greek chorus, actors and philosophers: they are wandering the ship and they are playing Beckett, Derrida and Gothe. Also there is Patti Smith. She isn’t recognizable by other passengers. Godard thinks about Greek economic crisis, during his journey through Barcelona, Naples, Russia, Germany, and he wishes and dreams a different Palestine. In the second part the players are sons of a mechanic. Their father is economic crisis victim, and they talk about the decline of “libertè, egalitè, fraternitè”. The last part though is a sequence of images taken from different places typical of the mediterranean culture. He doesn’t claim to be an author because he thinks that there in no one can know the reality. Anyway now everyone is an author with a mobile phone and high tech.
The first tells a cruise liner. There is a Greek chorus, actors and philosophers: they are wandering the ship and they are playing Beckett, Derrida and Gothe. Also there is Patti Smith. She isn’t recognizable by other passengers. Godard thinks about Greek economic crisis, during his journey through Barcelona, Naples, Russia, Germany, and he wishes and dreams a different Palestine. In the second part the players are sons of a mechanic. Their father is economic crisis victim, and they talk about the decline of “libertè, egalitè, fraternitè”. The last part though is a sequence of images taken from different places typical of the mediterranean culture. He doesn’t claim to be an author because he thinks that there in no one can know the reality. Anyway now everyone is an author with a mobile phone and high tech.