About 25years ago Andy Warhol died and while the great museums dedicate exhibitions and retrospectives for the occasion, the Pop Art more underground of today continues to spread. Same name but New Pop, Andy (Bluvertigo) will be the special guest DJ of "40 +1" only poPster expo, an event where you will meet street art, live music and dj-sets.
Venerdì 2 marzo Omino71 esporrà una grande installazione site specific composta da poster e videoproiezioni negli spazi del Rising Love di Roma. Bambini, santi, supereroi e cartoni animati dipinti a mano su carta velina in esemplari unici e destinati ad essere poi liberati per le strade della città.
Lo stesso artista ci rivela la poetica che guida la sua arte e l’evento stesso: “Preferisco il decathlon: meglio saper fare dieci cose sopportabilmente male che una sola bene”. Voglia di mescolare, ibridare, compenetrare linguaggi ed estetiche in un mash up senza soluzione di continuità.
Friday, March 2 Omino71 will exhibit a large site-specific installation consisting of posters and video projections in the spaces of Rising Love by Rome . Children, saints, superheroes and cartoon characters, hand-painted unique pieces on tissue paper and intended to be later released on the streets of the city.
The artist himself reveals the poetics that drives his art and the event itself: "I prefer the decathlon: better to be able to do ten things tolerably harm than a good one". Will to mix, hybridize, permeate languages and aesthetics in a mash-up seamlessly.
“40 + 1” solo poPster expo di Omino71
a cura di RomaStreetFood
Venerdì 2 marzo, h 19
Vernice + Live show (WALTON ZED) + Live concert (BETTY POISON) + dj set (I ROCK– Alex Nodisco – Diego Nodisco – Yakuza)
Special guest dj ANDY BLUVERTIGO
Ass. Culturale arci
Via delle Conce14, metro Piramide, Roma
Ass. Culturale arci
Via delle Conce
"40 +1" only poPster expo by Omino71
curated by RomaStreetFood
Friday, March 2, h 19
Vernissage + Live show (WALTON ZED) + Live concert (BETTY POISON) + dj set (I ROCK– Alex Nodisco – Diego Nodisco – Yakuza)
Special guest dj ANDY BLUVERTIGO
Ass. Culturale arci
Via delle Conce14, metro Piramide, Roma
Ass. Culturale arci
Via delle Conce
Omino71 è uno street artist romano che dalla fine degli anni ’90 alterna installazioni pubbliche incentrate sul riciclo creativo a sulla riconquista dei contesti urbani, ad una produzione ispirata alle tendenze post-graffiti e Neo Pop.
Ha partecipato a numerose esposizioni in Italia e all’estero fra le quali ricordiamo: Valentine Day Card, Crewest Gallery, Los Angeles, 2010; Vinyl Factory, MondoPop Gallery, Roma, 2009; Dynamo da luce a StatArt, Dynamo, Milano, 2008.
Omino71 is a street artist in Rome . Since the late nineties he makes public installationa, focusing on creative recycling and recovery of urban spaces, and production inspired by the post-graffiti and New Pop movement.
He participated in many exhibitions around the world, we remember: Valentine Day Card, Crewest Gallery, Los Angeles , 2010; Vinyl Factory, MondoPop Gallery, Rome , 2009; Dynamo da luce a StatArt, Dynamo, Milan , 2008.